Well, that was bloody fab. Got there in plenty of time, registered and had a chat with some folks. All too soon we were corralled between some tape, given some instructions and the we were off. Whoop! Took me a couple of laps to get into my cross bike groove and then started to enjoy it in a "this hurts but it'll do you good" kind of way. Many photos to come of people grinding and sliding their way around the 20 minute laps I'm sure. Surely there can't be a repeat of this
one? Scroll down past the video to see some arse on a cross bike holding up 3 mountain bike riders. You'll be pleased to know the silly bars have gone and proper
cantis now do the stopping. Those
KoolStop canti pads are fab by the way. They've battered around all winter since completing the
3 Peaks and there's still half of them left even after today. Front tube didn't fare so well - at least it waited til it had been washed and blow dried before giving up around 6 hours later. Good timing.
Results are in. Surprised to see only 150ish of the original 200 actually bothered to turn up. 18th place for me, disappointing. Well done to everyone else.
Thanks to all those involved in the organisation, especially Jason and his mid race encouragement - it really works. Great spirit in the race too - no bad tempered
racerheads that I saw - a great atmosphere.
See you next time!